Monday, October 22, 2012

Introduction to Line

We've begun this year by looking at line. The concept of line is extremely important, our world is created through different types of lines and they are everywhere we look. We began looking at line through gesture and contour drawings then through patterning and a variety of materials. These artists chose what type of line intrigued them most and then created a project that emphasized the use of line.

Many of the artists chose to work with wire, creating three-dimensional line drawings, while others chose images they would depict through multiple lines and patterning. These line creations can be seen in "gallery".

Monday, February 6, 2012

2/6 Perspective

We are working with one vanishing point and two vanishing points to create perspective. Everyone is creating their own environment, whether it be nature or buildings, where the viewer feels as though they could enter into the space.

Monday, January 16, 2012

1/16 Optical Color Mixing

This week we are still working with color but mixing color in a new way, optical mixing. Mixing colors on a palette is not the only way to create blended colors in the viewer's eye. If you put pure unmixed colors side by side in a painting or drawing, the viewer's eye will tend to blend the colors together, when viewed from a distance.

If you'd like so see some of the works in progress just click on "works in progress" on the right.

Julie just finish a piece she has been working on since Thanksgiving. Nice job Julie, looks great!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Week 11: Tournament Posters

The graphic design class designed posters for the upcoming tournament at Jay Peak.

Here are works in progress of the Franz Marc inspired animal paintings

This was our last class before break, Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 7: "Believe" a collaborative project

We used a grid to enlarge a 8"x 10" page of the word believe where each artist was given the opportunity to choose their squares to illustrate. Everyone was given five blank squares with the instruction to use five different color palettes and artistic freedom to create whatever they'd like within the lines of their particular area depicted. Once the artists placed their squares together the "Believe" became more visible.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Week 6: Inspiration from Georgia O'Keeffe

Last week an introduction to color took form in a collaborative work, not yet completed. This week we are working with pastels to create Georgia O'Keeffe inspired drawings. It is wonderful to see all of this color! Check back to see the finished works of both the collaborative piece as well as these drawings.